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How to get rid of roof rats

How to get rid of roof rats

Rats on your property are never desirable, especially if they are inside your home. The racket of their scurrying might keep you awake at night, and they leave waste and dung wherever they go.

Roof rats are one of the two most common species of rats in the United States. They like high spots on your land, as their name implies, but they can even infiltrate your home.

Roof rats, despite their small size, may cause significant damage to your property, poisoning your food and water and spreading diseases throughout your home.

If you live in the southern part of the US or the coastal areas, your attic may become a target for roof rats, causing a lot of issues for your family and property.

You undoubtedly want to get rid of roof rats on your property. We have carefully detailed how to get rid of roof rats without using poison in this guide.

What is a roof rat?

The roof rat is smaller than the Norway rat, which is the larger of the two commensal rats. Black rats and ship rats are other names for roof rats. The roof rat derives its name from the fact that it prefers to live at the upper levels of buildings. 

A few distinctive features of the roof rat: 

  • Diet

    Vegetables, fruits, and grains are the foods of choice for them.Roof rats will, however, devour waste and human food. They need between three quarters and one ounce of food every day, as well as up to one ounce of water. They've also been seen to wander between 100 and 150 feet from their home shelter in search of food.

  • Habits

    Roof rats are nocturnal and prefer chilly temperatures. They forage for food in small groups of up to ten, and they like to return to the same food source, following the same path between their nest and the food. They are highly flexible and can survive in a range of situations, despite their superb climbing ability, which allows them to readily access the highest parts of structures.

  • Size

    When the head and body lengths of adult roof rats are added together, they measure 6-8 inches (16-20 cm). Their tails, which measure 7-10 inches, are far longer than their heads and bodies (19-25 cm). Roof rats can grow to be over 40 cm long because of this. They are normally 5-9 ounces (150-250 g) in weight, although they can grow up to 12 ounces (340 g).

  • Appearance

    Roof rats are rodents with huge eyes and ears, a pointed nose, and a long, thin body with a scaly tail. Roof rats have soft fur that is usually brown with black patches intermixed. The undersides of their wings are usually white, gray, or black.

  • Nesting areas

    Roof rats like the dense cover and shadows of overgrown shrubs, vine-covered trees, power lines, and fences to build their nests and reside. The dead fronds of big palm trees, thick vegetation that grows over fences and utility wires, and under or within piles of rubbish are some other typical external nesting places.

Norway rats vs roof rats

Norway rats have brownish-gray coats with black fur and pale underbellies, whereas roof rats have black fur with pale underbellies. Another method to distinguish the two rodents is by their size. Roof rats grow to be about eight inches long, while Norway rats can grow to reach ten inches long. In addition, the roof rat's tail is usually significantly longer.

How to get rid of roof rats

Roof rats move above ground for food and shelter. They scale power poles and trees to gain access to roofs and enter homes, supermarkets, and restaurants.

Norway rats are skilled diggers who prefer to remain close to the earth. You can find burrows under foundations, near gardens, and under garbage mounds and yard debris. Mice use vents and holes surrounding pipes to gain access to structures.

Modern method of getting rid of roof rats

You aren't asking the wrong question if you want to know what the best modern strategy for eradicating or repelling roof rats is.

The ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and bionic waves produced by the Everpest tiny  bed bug ultrasonic repeller push rodents out of your home. Rodents will never adapt to the pulses and will leave your home because of the different frequency of sound (from 20 to 40 kHz).

This technology is cruelty-free. It does not kill, rather, it makes the living conditions of rodents intolerable, causing them to flee.

Chemical repellents, poison spray, and traps that harm humans are all dangerous. The Everpest repeller is the safest and most effective alternative. The method is safe for humans and pets, but it poses problems for rodents. 

Because ultrasonic waves do not penetrate walls, one repeller per room is the most effective.

How do roof rats get inside a home?

How to get rid of roof rats

Roof rats can get into your home through a half-inch hole. They eat their way through access holes, gaps in the roof, and cracks and crevices as well.

Roof rats prefer to be in high areas, so you'll probably see them climbing on trees, telephone lines, or in people's attics.

When the weather becomes cold, rats seek warmth and refuge by entering homes through the chimney. If rats are sneaking into your home through the chimney, consider installing a mesh-covered chimney cap to keep them out.

Are roof rats dangerous?

Yes! Roof rats are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Roof rats, for starters, will chew on anything they can get their hands on. 

Roof rats, like all rodents, have constantly growing teeth and must chew to keep them in good condition; in a home, this means they can nibble through and damage walls, insulation, wiring, pipes, furniture, clothing, books, photos, personal things, and food. 

Their eating behaviors can cause fires and water damage within the structure they infest. Rats spread a range of diseases and infections, besides destroying property and poisoning food.

Rats leave a trail of pee and feces behind them as they move through homes and other structures, polluting surfaces. Several bacterial infections, including Salmonellosis, dysentery, and other deadly ailments, have been linked to roof rats.

    Getting rid of roof rats

    • Ultrasonic devices

      It isn't a brand-new technology. Animals, including rats and possibly many insects, can hear very high-frequency sounds, which have been known for some time.The ultrasonic pest or rat repeller is hooked into a home's electrical outlets, where it reportedly generates high-frequency sounds that confuse pests or rodents, leading them to stop seeking food, breeding, nest building, gnawing, and other activities.

    • Baiting rats

      Rat baits are typical names for rodenticides. Pesticides are used in these rodent baits to kill rodents (mice and rats). Poison rat baits are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Unlike multiple feed rodent baits, which require repeated feedings to reach a hazardous level, single feed rodent baits just require one administration to reach a deadly dosage.

    • Snap traps

      A rat will not be caught in a mousetrap, and a mouse will not be caught in a rat trap. Examine the physical signs to determine whether it is a roof rat or a mouse.
      Choose traps that are simple to set. Older rat and mouse trap designs might be tricky to use, so if you're having difficulties setting them, try investing in a newer one.

    • Electronic traps

      Roof rat traps employ sensors to detect rodents and deliver an electric shock. Because many versions feature a cover, they are more secure around children and pets. Electronic traps can be costly, and the homeowner must dispose of the dead rats

    • Glue traps

      Glue traps are almost identical to live traps in that they capture the rat, but do not kill it immediately. Glue traps are made up of glue-coated wooden or plastic platforms. They're placed in areas where rats congregate, like basements and pantries.Rats are doomed the moment they tread onto the glue. The traps can then be picked up and thrown away. One disadvantage of glue traps is that they can only be used once.

    • Live traps

      Because they trap the rat within, they don't kill it. The rat is captured once it activates the trap by removing the bait, and you can kill it using a different way, thus the name "live trap."

    How to prevent roof rats

    • Keep your house clean and tidy

      Roof rats are filthy creatures who thrive in filthy environments. If you provide them a place to live by keeping your house dirty, you'll have a hard time keeping them away. The first step in preventing roof rats is to keep your home clean and free of anything that can attract them. Maintain a clean garage and always tie up your rubbish bags.

    • Store food in airtight containers

      Keep rodent-proof containers or rooms in which to store bulk meals. Rodent-proof containers include metal canisters and glass containers with securely sealed lids. If you like to feed birds, make sure the food is kept in rodent-proof containers.

    • Consider getting a cat

      Cats are not only terrific friends, but they will also keep rats out of your home. They'll go after the rodents and kill them as soon as they get their hands on them. Knowing that you have a cat, no rat will want to approach your home.

    • Block entryways

      Rats do not require a major entrance point to get access to your home. They can squeeze through any opening large enough to fit two fingers through. Block any holes in your interior or external walls with this in mind.Fill these spaces with wire wool, metal kick plates, cement, or caulk for long-lasting solutions. Check them once or twice a month to be sure they're in good shape.

    • Trim trees

      Trim or remove tree limbs that are within 8-10 feet of your home's roof if you want to keep rats from getting on your roof. Rats cannot climb from tree limbs to your home's roof because of this.

    • Watch bird feeders

      Only provide the number of feeders that the birds will consume in a day. Sweep up any spilled food before the sun goes down. Keep birdseed in tightly sealed, rat-proof containers.Also, rats may gather around your home and steal your pet’s meal. Bring the food inside and store pet food in a container with a tight lid.


    As the adage goes, prevention is preferable to cure. For getting rid of roof rats, it's no different. They are not pleasant to be around. 

    You should eradicate them because, despite their small size, they are hazardous to humans and pests.

    It is possible, though, to prevent them as visitors at your home. Remove anything that can attract them to your property. Clean your garden and look for any potential access points.

    As previously mentioned, the Everpest repeller is the greatest modern way for getting rid of roof rats because it is both safe for humans and effective.

    Finally, if you're worried or unsure of roof rats’ activities in your home, contact a professional pest control company.

      Julia Gabriel