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How to Get Rid of Raccoons - Everything You Should Know in 2022


Raccoons may be destructive, so it's fair that you don't want them in your home. It's not simply an occasional tipped-over trash can. Female raccoons may remove shingles, fascia boards, or rooftop ventilators to gain access to your attic in quest of a nesting location. 

Raccoons tear away insulation, go to the bathroom, and bring a plethora of parasites with them once inside. They could also avoid the attic entirely and make their home in your chimney, crawl space, or beneath your deck or porch. They'll also want something to eat that they can grab from a nearby garden, decorative fish pond, pet food bowl, or garbage can.

Raccoons are intelligent, eccentric animals that are entertaining to watch from a distance, but they are not creatures with whom you want to share your space. Raccoons eat birdseed and pet food, destroy your lawn and garden, damage your home's building materials, and even carry diseases that can be deadly to you and your pets.

With all of this in mind, it's simple to understand why folks who have a raccoon problem are so eager to discover how to get rid of raccoons.

Fortunately, you don't have to put up with raccoons for the rest of your life. In this article, you will learn how best to get rid of raccoons once and for all.

How to determine raccoons' problem

Because of their nocturnal nature, raccoons can be difficult to spot. It's crucial to pay close attention to the hints they leave behind, as well as the regularity and quantity with which they leave them. There are some things that will appear as signs that raccoons are on your property. Some are:

  • Evidence of raccoons feeding: raccoons are untidy, hungry eaters who leave a trail of destruction behind them after a meal. Raccoon feeding can be identified by overturned garbage cans, grass or garden damage, an empty, spilled or shifted pet food dish, damaged compost piles, and empty or broken bird feeders.
  • Raccoon tracks: Both raccoons and possums leave traces that seem quite similar. Raccoons have claws on each of their toes and walk flat-footed like humans. Raccoon tracks move in a diagonal track pattern, similar to deer tracks. Their tracks have a larger heel on the back foot and are 2-3" wide on the front feet and 3-4" long on the back feet.
  • Raccoon droppings: The excrement of raccoons is cylindrical, with broken or rounded ends. They are a dark brown or black tint, however, this might vary depending on what the animal eats. The scat usually has berry seeds in it, although it could also be littered with rubbish.
  • Broken bird feeders, spilled pet food, damaged gardens, and fishponds, and trash cans that have been tipped over are just a few examples of the harm that can be done.
  • Raccoon sounds: In the middle of the night, you might hear odd noises all around your house. Whistling and snarling are common raccoon sounds.

Any raccoon indicators you see must be addressed immediately, regardless of what they are. Raccoons can do a lot of damage, and if you wait too long to deal with them, the infestation will only get worse.

What are raccoons and how do they look?


Raccoons, sometimes known as coons, are nocturnal creatures that are rarely observed during the day. These animals can be found in every part of America, but are more common in the wooded eastern regions than they are in desert western areas.

Raccoons are gray with white and black markings. Raccoons are easily recognized by their bushy, striped tails and a mask-like ring of black fur beneath their eyes. Because of their hefty bulk, short legs, and flat feet, raccoons resemble miniature bears. Their large heads, sharp noses, and rounded ears differentiate them from other backyard pests such as possums and skunks.

Reckless and adaptable, they can survive in different environments. Near water, in woodland places, and in backyards, they're common. Attics, chimneys, barns, and garages are all frequent raccoon shelters in places with a greater human population.

Modern methods of getting rid of raccoons

There are various methods of getting rid of raccoons, but none are as effective as Everpest lightning pest repeller. Lightning Pest Repeller is a long-lasting, effective, and safe gadget that will eliminate your pest problem and prevent all diseases spread by pests. 

Cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, rats, mice, mosquitoes, midges, and other insects and pests like raccoons are all expelled using ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and bionic pulses.

This technology repels pests rather than killing them. You will no longer have to be concerned about dead pests in your home

Why is the Everpest lightning pest repeller better than traditional methods of getting rid of raccoons?

Pest repeller uses ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and Bionic waves to push pests out of your home. Pests will never adapt to the pulses and will leave your home because of the different frequency of sound (from 20 to 40 kHz).

Pest Repeller is the best and most effective alternative to chemical repellents, poison spray, and traps that cause harm to humans. The technique is harmless to humans and pets, but it has an impact on pests.

Because ultrasonic waves do not penetrate walls, one repeller per room is the most effective.

We recommend using one repeller per 600-800 square feet for the best results. To view results faster, use 2 or more units for spaces larger than 1200 sq ft.

Traditional methods of getting rid of raccoons effectively. 

Traditional methods

  • Prevent the trash from attacks
    When a raccoon discovers a delectable treat in your trash can or trash bag, the chances of it returning the next night and subsequent nights are considerable. If a raccoon detects a consistent source of food that is directly related to your rubbish, you may expect it to return.
    With this in mind, there are a few strategies and methods you can use at home to avoid bothersome raccoons from messing with your trash and from returning to your property. You may put your rubbish bags and containers in a place where raccoons can't reach them, which is the easiest recommendation to follow. 
    Storage in a garage, shed, or garbage can enclosure will not only discourage animals from going through your rubbish, but it will also keep nasty odors out of your yard and keep your yard looking tidy. Waste container enclosures might also serve as a decorative element in your yard if you so choose. 
  • Pet food to be closed at home
    Raccoons are attracted to exposed food, whether for humans or pets. If you feed your pets outside, do not fail to cover up their leftover food or clear off their feeding plates. Also, to keep raccoons from locating and eating out of your pet's dish, bring it in before dusk. 
  • Bird feeders to be protected
    You put a lot of thought into where you put your bird feeders. A good rule of thumb for bird safety is to place at least one or two close to trees for easy access.
    A bird can flee to the woods if a predator startles it during a meal. If these tree-climbing robbers raid your feeders, you'll need to reconsider your strategy.
    Move the feeders out of the path of trees, tall bushes, decks, and your home. Raccoons will hop into your feeders from these places.
    Raccoons will find it more difficult to access these feeders if you put them on top of wooden poles or hang them from plant hangers in an open area.
  • Don't leave alien fruits and nuts in the garden
    Sweet foods, particularly ripe fruit like apples, peaches, and plums, attract raccoons. They eat apricots, cherries, and mulberries as well. Raccoons may initially come for fallen fruit, which no gardener would mind sharing, but being skilled climbers, they gradually move into the trees to consume the fruit that remains on the branches.
    Raccoons will be drawn to your trees if you don't clean up fallen fruit as soon as possible. By cutting lower limbs or those that are next to other access sites, you can make it more difficult for raccoons to get into trees (a fence, for instance, or the roof of a nearby shed).
    Wrap a sheet-metal barrier (made from flashing used in home building) around the trunks of trees that raccoons have been frequenting to limit their climbing skills. Raccoons won't be able to jump past it if it's 2 feet wide and more than 4 feet above the tree's base.
  • Do not provide food for raccoons
    You should avoid feeding raccoons and dissuade your neighbors from doing so. More raccoons will be attracted to a readily available food source, resulting in an even bigger problem.
    Raccoons are attracted to a variety of products in your kitchen waste, including meat and fish scraps. Raccoons will return to high-value food sources like this regularly and will be tenacious in their pursuit.
    Straps or elastic cords should be used to hold the lids to the cans, and if possible, fasten the cans so they cannot be tipped over. Because they hurt the animals' highly sensitive noses and feet, liquid spray repellents are effective. 
    Liquid repellents can be sprayed directly on surfaces, such as trash bags and trash cans, to keep raccoons away.
    Except on pickup days, keep trash cans within a garage or other covered building. If that isn't an option, install a motion-activated sprinkler, which will scare away raccoons with sudden bursts of water and sound.
  • Try to use ammonia
    This method eliminates raccoons,  and it has been floating around the internet. The fundamental notion is that the smell of ammonia repels raccoons since it resembles the smell of something they find uncomfortable in their hideouts.
    Ammonia is a colorless gas that occurs naturally in the environment. Ammonia is converted by the human body and used in urine, which is usually the first thing that comes to mind when people smell it. Because raccoons' bodies go through a similar process, they loathe the stench.
    This gas's unique aroma can be found in a variety of household items. Ammonium hydroxide is the ammonia found in cleaning chemicals. When swallowed, it is poisonous and should be kept away from children and pets. Ammonium hydroxide is a liquid with a similar odor that can be beneficial to you.
    Raccoons are meticulous animals. They prefer to keep their dens clean and will abandon a property if it appears to be filthy. Because ammonia smells like urine, the raccoon will believe the den is filthy and will flee.
  • Seal attic, roof, and holes in your house
    Raccoons like to hide in places other than chimneys. Any opening in your home that leads to a dark and secure area is great for a raccoon family.
    Seal any openings they might exploit to get access to avoid this. If you know there are a couple of raccoon balls snoozing quietly in a certain area of your home, get them out before blocking the entrances.
    You don't want to catch a raccoon in your home. To ensure your and your family's safety, enlist the help of professionals.
    You may believe that you should just focus on the larger openings that raccoons can access, but it is advisable to cover all bases and seal holes of all sizes.
    With their claws, these creatures may readily enlarge the gaps. Look for fractures in the siding and foundations, as well as loose flooring and roof tiles. Fill in all workable openings with the material of your choice once you've located all of them.
    You can board it up with wood or concrete, or fill it with caulk or expandable foam, depending on where the hole is located and how wide it is. In the hardware and home improvement departments, you'll find a plethora of choices.

How to get rid of raccoons in the attic

Raccoon removal from your attic is not a simple task to do. It demands knowledge, expertise, physical strength, and a sense of personal safety. Raccoon removal solutions, methods, and DIY instructions abound on the market, but they may only partially address your problem. It's likely that you'll require the services of a wildlife expert to find a permanent solution to your problem.

Trapping is the only method that is both safe and compassionate for the raccoons.

The litter will be your main priority. Remove all the puppies and place them in a pillowcase while wearing thick leather gloves. Young raccoons may scratch and attack, so don't be fooled by their benign appearance. The puppies will not suffer if handled correctly, and neither will you.

The trap is now ready to be set. A trap is easy to find in a hardware shop, but getting it to function is another matter entirely. It demands a significant amount of knowledge.

To begin with, you just want to catch the raccoon in your attic, not any other animals in the area. If you're stuck, trapping your neighbor's cat is a better option than catching a raccoon.

Using young puppies as live bait is the most effective technique to catch your raccoon. A mother raccoon will be quite protective of her offspring, which will work to your advantage. Put them in the back of the cage, and the mother will come to their aid.

How to keep raccoons away for good

How to keep raccoons away for good

Raccoons do not differ from the rest of us in attempting to make it through the day to day. If you remove the food source they're relying on, they'll move on to something else. They are a successful species that consume a variety of foods and can adapt to a variety of environments, which allows them to move from one location to the next. Professional extermination is unlikely if proactive measures like using raccoon repellents and deterrents are taken. 

FAQ on raccoon problem

How to get rid of raccoons under deck

  • Always put on the light
  • You can introduce noise that is very loud
  • Spread unpleasant smell around the deck
  • Block off every source of food and water 

Can raccoons transmit diseases?

Yes, raccoons carry several diseases that are dangerous to people and pets alike. Most of the time, transmission happens because of poor pest management, which leads to raccoon bites, scratches, or direct contact with raccoon excrement. Raccoons carry a wide range of diseases, among which are:

  • Raccoon roundworm
  • Rabies
  • Leptospirosis
  • Giardiasis
  • Salmonellosis 

What smell do raccoons hate?

  • Hot pepper
  • A mixture of pepper and onion
  • Peppermint oil
  • Ammonia
  • Garlic juice
  • Epsom salt 

Will raccoons leave on their own?

They won't, at least not right away. The mother raccoon gives birth to a new litter of raccoon pups around 8-9 months after her previous one has grown up and left the nest. 

Where do raccoons nest?

They may build their nests practically anywhere they find comfortable, including tree cavities, brush heaps, abandoned burrows, chimneys, attics, crawl spaces, storm sewers, haystacks, and barn lofts, and they frequently have multiple den sites available at any given time. 

What sounds scare raccoons?

The sound and loudness of wind chimes, radios tuned to a conversational station that imitates human speech, bioacoustics from other animal noises, shouting, firecrackers, and pots and pans pounding repulses and ward off raccoons.

Julia Gabriel