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How to get rid of ants in the kitchen

How to get rid of ants

Ants are uninvited guests who will take up residence anyplace in your home, including your kitchen. While there are more dangerous pests than ants, these tiny insects have a horrible habit of getting into practically everything, including your pantry and food containers.
If you see one ant crawling around aimlessly in your house, chances are there are many more. The two most frequent varieties are odorous house ants and carpenter ants, and they go indoors during the warmer months.
They quickly grow into a colony, freely wandering around your kitchen. These pests don't have to drive you mad, and there are plenty of ways to show them who's in charge. 
If you find ants in your kitchen, you should not waste any time in getting rid of them because they can cause problems for you. 
In this article, we have outlined practical steps on how to get rid of ants in your kitchen and their nests. You can also find out how to get rid of termites in your home.

Why are there ants in my kitchen?

Ants mostly explore in order to locate food sources. When an ant infestation strikes unexpectedly in your kitchen, the most likely cause is that they have found the food there. 
Most ants are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will consume almost everything. They do, however, prefer sweets, sugar, syrup, honey, fruit juice, meat, fats, breadcrumbs, and any trash containers or wrappers that have come into contact with these goods may attract ants.
Once colonies discover the location of these food sources, they can create extensive trails of thousands of ants to connect the parent colony to these food sources. 
They leave a chemical trail with their pheromones to leave a fragrance characteristic for other ants. They'll keep coming until this path is shattered.
Also, during seasons of heavy rainfall or dry, hot, drought-like conditions, ant infestations appear to be more likely. The reason behind this isn't entirely clear. 
The most likely explanation is that they are avoiding cold, rainy weather or have discovered a source of water in your home during dry, hotter periods.
Ensure that any trashed food is removed daily and that your sink and garbage disposal are cleaned frequently. 
Run your garbage disposal for a long enough period of time to guarantee that all food waste has been crushed up and flushed from the system, if applicable.
To a swarm of hungry ants, what is scarcely visible to the naked eye can appear to be a feast. You may aid in the removal of these little morsels by maintaining basic cleanliness in your home, particularly in the kitchen.

Why are there ants in my kitchen

Are ants in the kitchen dangerous?

While ants in the kitchen are rarely harmful, they can be annoying. Ants are usually looking for food, and these little animals can get inside containers and infest the food you're about to eat if they're not properly covered. 
Aside from the fact that you probably don't want to include ants in your food, these uninvited visitors might leave bacteria behind.
Certain ants can be hazardous in a variety of ways. Carpenter ants use wood to build their nests, which can cause long-term structural damage to your property. 
Fire ants, which usually nest outside, might infiltrate your home in search of food and inflict severe bites and stings. The first step in determining if ants in your home are a nuisance or a menace is to identify their species.

 Are ants in the kitchen dangerous

Different ants in the kitchen

  • Tiny ants 
    You're probably dealing with pharaoh ants if you see little ants in your kitchen. They are light brown or golden and are barely approximately 2 millimeters long.
    It's possible that they'll appear translucent. To get rid of tiny ants in your kitchen, follow the instructions given in this article.
  • Sugar ants
    Sugar ants are a species of ant that like to devour sweets. Because of the humid and gloomy climate, most sugar ant species are drawn to your kitchens.
    Many people refer to ants in the kitchen as "sugar ants" because they seem to have a particular fondness for sweet dishes. 
    When people mention sugar ants, they're usually referring to pavement ants. You must get rid of sugar ants which are a common ant in homes.
  •  Black ants
    North America, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia are all home to this species, which is also known as black garden ants.
    June and July are the months when they mate. It shows that they are more likely to get noticed during this period. You get rid of black ants like you would any other ant. 
  •  Red ants
    They are crimson all over and grow to reach between 0.13 and 0.5 inches. Red ants can also be identified by looking at their mounds.
    This species will form colonies in the absence of soil openings. Workers of the red ant, sometimes known as fire ants, are drawn to oily or greasy foods. 
    They return to the colony with these foods and distribute them to the other ants in the nest. 
  • Pavement ants
    Sugar ants are a common nickname for pavement ants. Get rid of pavement ants because they like to build their nests under pavements and driveways.
    Pay special attention to areas around brick patios and large stones surrounding your property if you have a pavement ant infestation. Pavement ants are best active during night times.

The modern method of getting rid of ants in the kitchen

The best modern method of getting rid of ants in the kitchen is the Everpest ultrasonic repeller
The ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and bionic waves produced by the Everpest tiny home ultrasonic repeller push pests out of your home. 
Pests and insects cannot adapt to the pulses. This will cause them to leave your home because of the different frequency of sound ranging from 20 to 40 kHz.
The technology is cruelty-free. It does not kill ants, rather, it makes the living conditions of pests intolerable, causing them to flee.
Chemical repellents, poison spray, and traps that harm humans are all dangerous. The Everpest home ultrasonic repeller is the safest and most effective alternative. The method is safe for humans and pets, but it poses problems for pests

Getting rid of ants in the kitchen

Getting rid of ants in the kitchen 

  • Find the entry points of ants
    Blocking ants' entry sites is one strategy to keep out kitchen ants. While it may be impossible to seal every nook and cranny, cracks, crevices, and holes in walls, radiators, and near flooring should all be sealed as much as possible. 
    To figure out where they came from, you must trace their route. Inspect window frames, screens, and doors as well. If you live in a single-family home rather than a condo, you can check the exterior of your foundation for a trail of ants.

  •  Find the anthill
    When the ants leave the kitchen, wait for the ants to return with their crumbs, and then try to figure out where they go as soon as they leave the kitchen. Following their movements might bring you straight to the anthill.
    The nest can be found outside on the ground or in a tree; or indoors in a moisture-damaged wall or cabinet hole, and it looks like a heap of garbage or a pile of decaying leaves.

  • Erasing the trail of the ant
    Even if you only notice one ant in your home, there's a good chance you'll find more. This is because ants leave behind trails that other ants can smell and follow wherever they go.
    Simply mopping or sweeping the floor will not remove the ant track. Because it is a pheromone trail, it cannot be simply wiped away; it must be disinfected. Instead, make a spray bottle with vinegar and water and spray it all over your kitchen. 
    Make a point of going after the locations where you've previously seen ants.

  • Destroy the nest directly
    If you find the nest outside, use an outdoor non-repellent insecticide to destroy it. Unlike repellents, which deter insects and force the colony to disperse and reform elsewhere, non-repellent insecticides will not alert your pests to the poison
    Ants can pass through this sort of insecticide ignorant that they have been poisoned. Alternatively, pour a half-gallon of boiling water over the nest to cause it to collapse and the ants to die.

  • Use traps to kill the colony
    If you can't find the ant nest or don't want to destroy it, use an ant trap bought from a local store or a DIY ant trap constructed from a small, sealed plastic container filled with one teaspoon borax and a quarter cup of corn syrup to kill the colony.
    Place the trap as close as possible to the ants' access point into the kitchen, so they can discover the bait fast. 
    The poisonous ant bait inside the traps will be carried back to the colony by the worker ants, who will feed the queen and her young, effectively killing the colony over a few days. 
    To avoid distractions, remove any other food sources from the area around the ant traps.

  •  Seal the entry point
    To keep more ant colonies from infiltrating your kitchen in the future, seal the entry points you found earlier. 
    Joint compound is suitable for sealing minor drywall voids, whereas caulk is appropriate for sealing cracks around windows or doors. 

Home remedies for ants in the kitchen

  • Boiling water
    Pour hot water into any ant holes you come across near your property. Many of the ants within will be killed quickly and effectively. The ant hills may look small on the outside but have a large colony underneath.
    Boiling water alone will not be enough to wipe out the colony. Be sure to treat any ant holes you come across near your home.

  • Pepper
    You can use black or red pepper as an ant deterrent because ants seem to dislike the smell of pepper.
    This is a 100% natural and safe ant infestation treatment. According to anecdotal evidence, spreading pepper along baseboards and under appliances in your home can help keep ants away.

  • Hand soap
    Hand soap can help kill ants. Ant pheromones are removed by using soapy water of any kind. Use it to protect your home from ant trails and access sites.
    Ants can't communicate with each other unless they can follow pheromone trails.

  • Boric acid
    Research has proven that boric acid as a poison can kill worker ants and their queen after three weeks of exposure. It accomplishes this by degrading the exterior shells and guts of the pests.
    Mix one cup of warm water, half teaspoon boric acid, and eight teaspoons sugar and stir until all the sugar and boric acid have dissolved.
    Cotton balls should be saturated and placed throughout your home in areas where ants have been detected.
    It's critical to keep boric acid away from pets and children and to work with it while wearing gloves.
  • Borax
    Borax and boric acid are not the same chemical substance, though they may appear the same. However, both may be equally useful in killing ants in the home.
    Use the borax mixture in places where children or pets can't get to them.
    To make borax, sugar, and warm water solution, follow the same steps as for boric acid.

  •  Vinegar
    If you find ants in your kitchen, use a vinegar solution to wipe them away.
    Ants are killed and repelled by white vinegar. Wipe hard surfaces such as floors and countertops with diluted vinegar throughout your home if you have an ant infestation.
    Ants can smell the vinegar after it has dried, but most humans can't smell it for long.

  •  Essential oils
    An ant-repellent spray can be made with essential oils such as peppermint, citrus oil, and tea tree oil. 
    Fill a clean spray bottle halfway with water, an equal proportion of tea tree oil and peppermint oil, and seven drops of citrus oil.
    Shake it thoroughly before spraying it around ant-infested areas, such as baseboards.

  •  Cinnamon
    Cinnamon oil has been found effective at killing and repelling ants, including biting red ants. You can get cinnamon at the grocery store and it is a natural repellent.

  •  Diatomaceous earth
    Diatomaceous earth is a natural home and garden product that kills all species of insects without harming humans and pets.
    It is a makeup of rocks that are laced with diatoms, which are small fossils. It has tiny sharp edges that cut into insects and kill them when ground into a thin powder. 

  • Chalk and baby powder
    Chalk and baby powder work well as an ant repellent. In the absence of baby powder, you may buy powdered chalk in a bottle at a hardware shop or grind up white chalk from any stationery store. 
    Draw a line around your baseboards and food items with the squeeze-bottle chalk or powder. The ants will be repelled by the chalk line.  
  • Peppermint
    Naturally, peppermint repels ants in the home. You can mix an average of 15 drops of peppermint oil with 2 cups of water. Spray the mixture around your windows and other ant entry points.
    The mixture may be dangerous to your pets. keep the mixture far away from them.

Ants in specific places in the kitchen

  • Ants on the kitchen counter
    An equal combination of water and white vinegar can help you get rid of ants on your kitchen counter. Vinegar repels ants while also removing their pheromone trails. 
    You may also use the dish soap/water solution to clean your counters and kill any ants that may be present.

  •  Ants in the kitchen sink
    You are likely to receive ants in your kitchen sink if you leave food leftovers there. Little ants love moist places and your kitchen sink is one place they'd likely visit. 
    You can get rid of ants in your kitchen sink by spraying a mixture of soap and water in your sink. This can easily eliminate them.  
  • Ants in the kitchen cupboard
  • If you have ants in your kitchen cabinet, it's likely that they've discovered a food supply. If any of your food has come into close contact with the ants, throw it out. 
  • Clean the infected area with water and vinegar solution while you seal up your food. 

Ants in specific places in the kitchen

How to prevent ants from coming back

  • Store food properly
    All it takes for an ant infestation is for one ant to perceive food in your kitchen. Seal up your food in airtight containers and do not leave food open.

  • Clean up crumbs
    Ants are attracted to food, and crumbs are a ready food source to these pests. Clean up your table and floors after eating. The cleaner your home, the easier it is to prevent ants from your home.
  • Do the dishes after each meal
    Don't delay, wash as soon as you finish eating. There should be no unclean dishes, no standing water for ants to drink, and no food in the sink. 

  • Take the trash out regularly
    The rubbish in your trash can be food for ants. If you do not take out the trash regularly, you may have an ant infestation. A clean environment will help keep ants out.

  • Don't leave leftover pet food sitting out
    While your pet is eating, monitor him. Remove any leftover food. Serve your pets only as much food as they can eat. Keep your space clean by washing the feeding bowls.


It is unpleasant to discover ants in your kitchen. They can, however, be prevented. You can maintain your kitchen ant-free by following the steps outlined in this article.

Although there are many insecticides and pest repellers available, the Everpest compact home ultrasonic repellers remain the most effective solution to ant problems in your house.

Prevention is the easiest approach to get rid of ants. Anything that can attract them should be removed.

Julia Gabriel