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How to get rid of ants in the bathroom

Types of ants in the bathroom

Ants can appear practically anywhere in your home, but one of the most inconvenient places to locate these tiny insects is in your bathroom. 

Although you may not realize it, your bathroom is an ideal breeding habitat for several varieties of ants, and once ants are in your bathroom, they can be difficult to get out.

Because ants prefer moist and dark environments, a bathroom is a desirable location for them. Perfumes, bath salts, soaps, lotions, and toothpaste in your bathroom, together with clogged drains and water puddles, provide an ideal environment for an ant infestation to thrive.

If you've walked into your bathroom and observed small ants crawling around, it's time to take action to get rid of your unwelcome guests so you can restore your bathroom to its former glory. 

We've described how to get rid of little ants in your bathroom in this article so you won't have to worry about them disrupting your routine.

Types of ants in the bathroom

Types of ants in the bathroom

  • Moisture ants 

    These ants get their name from the fact that they like to build their nests in wet areas. Moisture damage to hardwood floors and foundations is certain when these ants make their nests indoors. 
    Moisture ants' workers are yellowish and range from 4 to 4.5 mm. Moisture ants indicate plumbing leaks in many parts of your home, including crawlspaces. 
    This implies you'll need to replace the damaged wood and fix the leak in your home's plumbing as soon as possible.

  • Carpenter ants 

    Carpenter ants, like most ant species, enter your home in quest of water, food, or shelter. Carpenter ants (Camponotus spp) have a brownish-black coloration. 
    They are drawn to moist areas right away and dig their nests out of rotting wood. You can find carpenter ants in the bathroom under wall voids, titles, wooden structures, and other wet spots.
    Carpenter ants can penetrate even the toughest locations, such as a moist wooden cabinet and drains, thanks to their muscular jaws.
    They will emerge from wall cavities, holes, crevices, hollow wooden constructions, and other wet locations once they have established colonies.
    They can wreak havoc on the structural integrity of wooden cabinets and doors.

  • Argentine ants 

    Argentine ants are up to 3 mm and have a brown & black shiny appearance. Each established colony of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) may contain thousands of members, and these colonies are further extended to subcolonies.
    They live under the cracks, wall voids, and near damp places in your house and can commonly be found in bathrooms because of moist and warm surroundings. 
    Sugary foods are attractive to these ants. They follow the scent of sugar wherever it leads them. 

  • Ghost ants
    Ghost Ants resemble small white apparitions that arise and vanish almost as quickly as they arrive. Because they seek moisture, they can be found in kitchens and toilets. The Odorous House Ant and the Ghost Ant are similar.  

  • Sugar ants

    Sugar ants are a species of ant that like to eat sugar-based foods. Because of the moist and gloomy climate, most sugar ant species are drawn to your bathrooms. They make their homes in rooted timber constructions and other moist environments.
    Sugar ants come in a variety of interior and outdoor species. Pavement ants, carpenter ants, Pharaoh ants, or odorous ants are some of the most frequent indoor sugar ants. 
    To avoid a sugar ant infestation, fix any faulty pipes or dripping showers, and mop the extra water from your bathroom floor.

  • Tiny black ants

    Tiny black ants (Monomorium minimum) are small ants with a dark brown to black segmented body that is around 1.5 mm long. These ants penetrate your home in quest of warm, moist conditions. 
    They are drawn to wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens and build their nests inside wall cavities, cracks, dark areas, or under rubbish.
    These little ants can be noticed everywhere after establishing their nests, hunting for water and food. To prevent their invasion, keep your bathroom floor dry and clean, and practice proper sanitation.

  • Flying ants

    Flying ants, also known as alates, are reproductive ants that arise during mating season. They are winged ants that swarm primarily in the spring and summer. During their nuptial trip, you may spot flying ants in your bathroom ceiling or near a light source.
    Because of the favorable environmental circumstances, they regard it as the ideal location for breeding or mating. 
    The sight of flying ants in your bathroom indicates an ant infestation nearby, but they can also enter through the window or other entry points. You should get rid of the flying ants because they can be dangerous to your property.

  • Pharaoh ants

    Pharaoh ants are a type of thieving ant that can grow up to 2 mm. They are bright yellow to crimson and feature black spots on the abdomen. 
    Because of their small size and reddish color, pharaoh ants are known as little red ants. They prefer to build their shelters in warm areas and are frequently spotted foraging in public restrooms. 
    Because of the warm and damp environment, Pharaoh ants are easily drawn to toilets. They can be discovered under the sink, bathtubs, cabinet gaps, and under switchboards, among other places.

  • Pavement ants

    Pavement ants have a brownish look. These ants are up to 3 mm and live in the spaces beneath the foundations, floors, and walls. 
    They are common indoor ants that seek warmth, wetness, and food sources in bathrooms.To avoid an infestation of pavement ants, you must first minimize dampness, maintain your bathroom clean, and clear debris from drains. Seal any cracks or crevices that could serve as a home for pavement ants.

Types of ants in the bathroom

The modern method of getting rid of ants in the bathroom

The best modern method of getting rid of ants in the bathroom is the Everpest pest repeller.

The ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and bionic waves produced by the Everpest tiny home ultrasonic repeller push pests out of your home. Pests and insects will never adapt to the pulses and will leave your home because of the different frequency of sound (from 20 to 40 kHz).

This technology is cruelty-free. It does not kill, rather, it makes the living conditions of pests intolerable, causing them to flee.

Chemical repellents, poison spray, and traps that harm humans are all dangerous. The Everpest repeller is the safest and most effective alternative. The method is safe for humans and pets, but it poses problems for pests. 

Getting rid of ants in the bathroom

  • Find the cause
    The first step is to figure out where the ants that have taken up residence in your bathroom came from.

  • Find the trails
    Because ants have distinct patterns, you can readily identify the path they used to get inside your bathroom.

  • Identify the attraction
    The next step is to locate and eliminate the source of the leak by repairing cracks and finding the leak.

  • Eliminate the attractive factors
    You should eliminate the factors that attract ants once you've identified them.  Keep the bathroom dry, inspect the medicine cabinet, thoroughly clean the drain and wipe away any water droplets.

Remedies to get rid of ants in the bathroom

  • Vinegar

    You can use vinegar spray to combat ant infestations in your bathrooms because vinegar is a natural ant repellant. To make your pesticide spray, mix equal amounts of vinegar and water.
    You can also use baking soda and vinegar to get rid of ants in the drains. Sprinkle baking soda over the drain first, then pour white vinegar in an equal amount. The acidic combination will suffocate the ants.

  • Chalk or baby powder

    Drawing a line of chalk or baby powder in front of the ant's entry site is the simplest approach to keep them out. It will serve as an effective barrier that ants will not wish to breach. 
    The cause behind this is a mystery. Perhaps the chalk line disrupts the ants' scent tracks, or the calcium carbonate is too harsh for them.

  • Borax
    When ants ingest borax, it damages their exterior skeletons and digestive systems, eventually killing them. Because these insects enjoy sweets, mixing borax with peanut butter, honey, syrup, and sugar is the most effective method to use it.

  • Boric acid
    Boric acid can be sprinkled around the margins of doors and windows, or a water solution of boric acid and sugar can be applied along the ant's routes. Because this natural ant killer is slightly harmful to children and pets, it should be used with caution.

  • Coffee grounds
    It is an effective ant repellent that will keep ants out of your bathroom. After you've finished your cup of coffee, dust coffee grinds on your home's driveways.

  • Cucumber or citrus peels
    Another option is to buy citrus-scented cleaners, although synthetic-scented cleaners will not have the same impact. To keep ants away, keep citrus or cucumber peels in your bathroom. They are poisonous to the fungus that ants eat. 

  • Herbs and spices
    These herbs; cayenne pepper, cinnamon, garlic cloves, mint, and black pepper produce a strong odor that deters ants for a short period. Sprinkle these herbs in the corner of your bathroom for an effective result.

  • Essential oils
    Essential oils are toxic to ants, who can't take in the powerful smell. The combination of peppermint and tea tree oil is one of the most effective. However, citrus, cinnamon, and eucalyptus oil can also be used.
    Make a mixture of peppermint oil, tea, tree oil, water, and cayenne pepper powder for a severe infestation. Soak the cotton ball in the solution and place it near the ant trails.

  • Cinnamon
    Cinnamon is an excellent ant-killer. Cinnamon suffocates and kills ants when they inhale it. Sprinkle cinnamon on the ants' path or around the opening of an anthill. Cinnamon essential oil is effective at repelling ants as well. Spray ant trails, doors, windows, and gaps with a few drops of cinnamon oil mixed with water.

  • Diatomaceous earth
    Use Diatomaceous Earth (DE) to eliminate ants. Be sure to use the food-grade variety, which is safe around pets and children, and which you can find at many homes, gardens, and pet stores.
    Sprinkle the DE along their paths and entry points.

  • Peppermint
    Peppermint is an insect repellent that is natural. Place a peppermint oil cotton ball in areas where ants congregate, such as cabinets. Ants despise the odor, and your home will smell minty fresh as well.
    Use a cotton ball with a few drops of peppermint essential oil to wipe suspected spots.

  • Ant traps
    There are two major ant traps that can get rid of ants in the bathroom;
    • Bait stations: Ants are attracted to the smell of these pre-filled traps, and they take them inside the nest. These stations will immediately kill insects since they contain a harmful liquid. Keep in mind that this liquid is harmful to both children and pets.
    • Gels: They can be directly applied to cracks and difficult-to-reach places. Ants will transport them to the colony and kill the queen. When it dies, the entire community will be destroyed swiftly.

  • Non-toxic sprays
    Sprays are a great way to get rid of any ants in your bathroom while also keeping more out. If your toilet is small and doesn't have a window, choose a non-toxic spray. Remember that these chemicals will not entirely eliminate your ant infestation. 

  • Insecticides
    Insecticides are the quickest way to eliminate ants, but they are both environmentally unfriendly and hazardous. Unlike natural techniques, these chemicals will effectively and quickly eliminate ants from your bathroom.

Ants in specific places in the bathroom

You can find ants in the following areas of the bathroom;

  • Bathroom sink
  • Bathroom shower
  • Bathroom wall
  • Bathroom tub
  • Bathtub faucet

 How to prevent ants from coming back

  • Deep cleaning
    Consider increasing your cleaning frequency and paying careful attention to the area in and around your toilet. Even a daily clean down with a disinfectant might help.

  • Seal cracks
    Ants enter through cracks in walls and tiles. Sealing the entry holes and replacing the broken caulk is one of the most effective ways to eliminate these threats.

  • Replace broken tiles
    To avoid ant invasion, replace broken tiles as soon as possible. Because these locations are damp, they are ideal for nesting.

  • Microclimate
    By opening the window after a shower, you can keep your bathroom dry. A good vent system will also aid in the removal of steam and the prevention of water puddles on the walls and floor.

  • Fix the plumbing
    Water puddles are formed by dripping pipes and leaking faucets. Because puddles are a perfect breeding ground for ants, address plumbing concerns as soon as possible.

  • Get rid of stagnant water
    After a bath, never allow water puddles to remain on the floor. Prevent ants from using your bathroom as a breeding ground by cleaning it down with an old cloth.

  • Unclog drains
    You should expect hair and skin debris to clog bathroom drains after having a shower every day. Ants would love to build a nest in that area. Cleaning and unclogging drains daily will help you get rid of ants and keep them away.

  • Ensure proper drainage
    Call a plumber if you discover any drainage issues in your shower cabin. This is one way of dealing with ants problem. 

  • Leaving ants' trap
    To keep ants from returning, eliminate the entire colony. For this, traps are the ideal option.

How to prevent ants from coming back


Ants are unfriendly and getting rid of them should be your first option. The above-mentioned steps will help you get rid of ants in the bathroom. 

The Everpest repeller is still the best modern option in getting rid of ants in your bathroom.

However, like any scavenger or animal, if you take away sources of food, water, and shelter, they will move on to the next location to find it. So, get to it and ant-proof your home before the infestation takes hold.

      Julia Gabriel